Kin Selection

Kin Selection


Kin Selection is another smoking gun where Psyche is concerned.

Kin Selection: The idea that evolution has selected altruism toward one’s close relatives to enhance the survival of mutually shared genes.

Our genes dispose us to care for relatives. Thus, one form of self-sacrifice that would increase gene survival is devotion to one’s children. Compared with neglectful parents, parents who put their children’s welfare ahead of their own are more likely to pass their genes on. As evolutionary psychologist David Barash wrote, “Genes help themselves by being nice to themselves, even if they are enclosed in different bodies.” Genetic egoism (at the biological level) fosters parental altruism (at the psychological level). Although evolution favors self-sacrifice for one’s children, children have less at stake in the survival of their parents’ genes. Thus, according to the theory, parents will generally be more devoted to their children than their children are to them. (Social Psychology, p. 452.)

Without realizing it, these people have painted themselves into a corner with this one. The idea of genes helping each other even if they are enclosed in different bodies is physically impossible. There’s NO physical mechanism in place whereby the genes can communicate with each other, especially the genes in different bodies! If the genes are communicating with each other, then they are doing so at the quantum level or the psyche level because they can’t do so at the physical level.

The ONLY way to make Kin Selection true is if we all axiomatically agree in advance that the genes (and evolution) are psychic and are therefore capable of determining telepathically which genes are related to them and which genes are not. In order for the genes to be nice to each other, they have to know each other, perceive each other, and show favoritism to each other. They have to be psychic and have some kind of psyche.

However, if we agree in advance axiomatically that genes have a psyche, that genes perceive each other telepathically, and that genes are therefore psychic, then we have in fact FALSIFIED Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and even Atheism in the process. These people personify the genes – imbue them with Psyche and Intelligence – and in the process falsify the major premises of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which state that Psyche or Syntropy does not exist. Thereby, these falsified philosophies or falsified religions end up being self-defeating.

When it comes to Science, we observe that Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, or Syntropy always ends up being the best possible explanation that can be given to ALL of the evidence that we are observing and experiencing, including the physical evidence. Remember, entropy and physical matter would not exist without a massive initial infusion of Syntropy, Intelligence, Power, Quantum Mechanics, or Psychic Intervention somewhere sometime along the way.

Remember, perception is a function and a product of Psyche. At the physical level, the genes have no way of knowing or perceiving which genes are related to them and which genes are not; and at the physical level, the genes have NO way to pass that information on to the physical body or physical brain even if the genes were to know who is related to them and who is not. At the physical level, the genes have no way to perceive each other, thereby falsifying the claims of Kin Selection. By restricting and limiting everything to the physical level, the Materialists and Naturalists automatically falsify anything and everything that needs Psyche or Intelligence or Perception in order to become true – such as Kin Selection and Creation by Mutation/Selection.

Remember, evolution can’t do selection! Selection requires some type of choice, and choice requires some type of Psyche! By definition, in principle, evolution is dumb and blind without a soul or a mind. The theory of evolution is self-defeating because evolution of any kind can’t do selection or choice. Evolution doesn’t exist as some type of Psyche or Person who is capable of making choices or doing selection. The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed. The theory of evolution is obviously false because evolution of any type by definition in principle cannot do selection, psyche, or choice. Evolution of any type cannot do science, but the Human Psyche and God’s Psyche certainly can. They’ve been caught in the act of doing so.

With just a bit of scientific observation, it’s easy to see that Kin Selection is a fictional ad hoc just-so story that they made up out of thin air after-the-fact to match with what we have experienced and observed from Intelligent Beings or the Human Psyche. They took Kin Selection, a philosophical idea or religious idea, and they personified it, humanized it, anthropomorphized it, and deified it. Kin Selection and the Theory of Evolution are man-made idols or man-made gods. The Theory of Evolution is our modern-day form of idolatry, which is a belief in false gods that are incapable of delivering the goods.

The theory of evolution is self-defeating because it can’t do what they say it does. The genes can’t be nice to each other without a psyche or a soul; and, if the genes have a psyche or a soul, then the very existence of Psyche or Syntropy falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution. The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

Mark My Words


God Is in the Light: God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.



Proof of God

Proof of God’s Existence


Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

This syllogism is both a Philosophical Proof of God’s Existence and a Scientific Proof of God’s Existence. It works. It’s true. Every aspect of it is true, because both the premises and the conclusion have been experienced and observed in real life by real people. This Scientific Proof of God’s Existence is both philosophically valid and observationally sound. It, and similar ones like it, convinced me that God does indeed exist.

Variations on this syllogism were my first Scientific Proof of God’s Existence; and, I first built one based upon the non-existence of abiogenesis, or the non-existence of macro-evolution. After science itself proved to me that God must of necessity exist, then I simply KNEW that God exists, even though I still have yet to get to know God.

In 2016, when I first realized that NO type of evolution – chemical evolution, micro-evolution, macro-evolution, spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, random mutations, or natural selection – is capable of designing, creating, and implementing genomes from atoms or from scratch, I just KNEW that God exists because I KNEW why He must of necessity exist. God must exist in order to have done ALL of the science, organization, proteins, and genomes which the different types of evolution could NEVER have done.

In a very real sense, the Theory of Evolution proved to me that God exists. In other words, the inability of the different types of evolution to design, create, manufacture, and deploy proteins and the matching genes to go along with those proteins BECAME convincing scientific proof of God’s necessity, which effectively became Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

Based upon this same exact theme, I developed many other Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence and eventually used the Scientific Method itself to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

I kept a log of my ongoing discoveries in the following books:

Summary Of: The Theory of Evolution Proves that God Exists

The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist and Why I No Longer Believe in the Theory of Evolution

The Scientific Method Proves That the Theory of Evolution Is False

Using the Scientific Method to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth

This was an era of transition for me. I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. To develop a Scientific Proof of God’s Existence that I actually KNEW to be true, as well as using the Scientific Methods to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution represented a MAJOR paradigm shift in my way of thinking and doing science.

Once I finally KNEW the Truth, there was no going back to the deceptions and the lies; and, I was able to progress forward from there and make additional adjustments and improvements to my science, my worldview, and my philosophical underpinnings.

Although it is technically true – due to the affirming the consequent logic fallacy – that it’s impossible to use the Scientific Methods to prove anything true, there is a legitimate work-around that actually produces the same result. This work-around is a philosophically valid and an observationally sound way to find the truth through a process of elimination.

The way this is done in practice is that we use the Scientific Methods and negating the consequent to falsify and eliminate everything that is false such as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and their derivatives so that ONLY the Truth remains.

Think about it logically.

If you successfully eliminate everything that is false – everything that has NEVER been experienced nor observed by anyone, not even God – then ONLY the Truth will remain, because ONLY the observed and the verified and the proven will remain. The Truth is whatever has been experienced, lived, and observed by Someone Psyche sometime somewhere. Science is observation, or it should be.

Sherlock Holmes taught me how this process of elimination works in principle or practice.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible [and the false], whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? — Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes and the Philosophy of Science taught me how to use the Scientific Method to falsify the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism; and, observations from real life people like you and me falsified Nihilism for me.

If you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then ONLY the Truth will remain; and, that’s precisely how we use the Scientific Methods to “prove” the truth, by using the Scientific Methods to eliminate everything that is false or everything that has NEVER been experienced nor observed. It works!

Mark My Words



Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.